Basic of Accounting
- Introduction
- Tpes of Accounts
- Accounting Principle or Concepts
- Mode of Accounting
- Rules of Accounting
- Double entry System of Bookkeeping
- Download & Install Tally .ERP9
Fundamentals of tally.ERP9
- User Interface of Tally Software
- Company Create, Alter & Delete
- Configurations
- Getting Functions with Tally.ERP9
- Creation / Setting up of Company in Tally.ERP9
Accounting Masters of Tally.ERP9
- Chart of Groups
- Single Group
- Multiple Groups
- Single Ledger
- Multiple Ledgers
Inventory Masters of Tally.ERP9
- Stock Group
- Multiple Stock Groups
- Stock Categories
- Multiple Stock Categories
- Unit of Measure
- Stock Itemss
Voucher Entries in Tally.ERP9
- Introduction
- Types of Vouchers
- Chart of Vouchers
- Accounting Vouchers
- Inventory Vouchers
- Invoice
Record Day to Day Ttransactions
- Recording Purchase Transactions
- Sales Transactions
- Recording Reciept
- Record Credit Sale and Purchase Transactions
- Recording Contra Entries
- Reording Transactions in Journal Voucher
- Recordig Other Misc. Transactions & Analyzing Reports
- Analyzing Ttrial Balance, Profit & loss A/c,
Balance Sheet & Other Reports.
Voucher Entries in Tally.ERP9
- Tally Vault
- Security Controls
- Tally Audit
- Backup and Restore
- Split Company Data
- Impot and Export Company Data
- Printing Reports and Cheques
GST Impliment in Tally.ERP9
- Introduction of GST
- Types of GST
- GST Transactions in Sales and Purchase
- GST Transactions for Service Organisation
- Backup and Restore
- Split Company Data
- Impot and Export Company Data
- Printing Reports and Cheques
Payroll Accounting
- Introduction of Payroll
- Enabling Payroll & Creating Masters
- Create Employee
- Define Salary
- Recording Attendance & Overtime Details
- Pay Heads Creation
- Posting Payroll vouchers
- Analyzing paroll Reports